Squirrel Pest Control
Types of Squirrels that Cause Pest Problems
Squirrels are an omnipresent nuisance for homeowners far and wide. From their winsome scampering in backyards to the serious destruction they can cause when they invade your home or property, these critters come in many shapes and sizes – red & gray squirrels, flying squirrels (a.k.a “Gliders”), ground squirrels, and chipmunks being some of the most common types that become pests. Gray Squirrels tend to be larger than Red ones which makes them more destructive as they build nests within walls or attics with twigs and leaves resulting in costly repairs; while Flying Squirrels use small openings near roofs & eaves to get inside our homes where they then make nests from paper products & fabric materials found there becoming a bothersome guest! Ground Squirrel populations have been increasing due to urbanization providing access into yards & gardens where food sources like birdseed is plentiful allowing colonies to rapidly form requiring professional control services if left unchecked!
Signs of a Squirrel Infestation
Are you hearing loud noises coming from your attic or walls? Is there evidence of frayed wires, chewed up insulation, and other materials scattered throughout the area that may indicate a squirrel infestation? Are droppings left behind in various areas around the home such as vents and windowsills? Could one-way doors be installed at certain points around the property to prevent unwanted critters from entering again after being removed through exclusion tactics? If so, then it is likely that you have a squirrel infestation.
Common Exclusion Tactics to Keep Squirrels Out
Exclusion is the first line of defense for keeping squirrels out of your property; sealing up cracks, crevices, and other openings around windows, doors, vents and chimneys with caulk or steel mesh. Trimming tree branches that hang close to your home can also help hinder access. If there are already squirrels living on the premises then trapping them may be necessary to completely remove them from the area. Traps come in various sizes and designs depending on what type of animal one is attempting to catch – some even have multiple chambers allowing several animals at once! Be sure to check local laws before setting any traps as regulations can vary between states and countries when it comes to wildlife control methods such as trapping or poisoning. In cases where exclusion tactics aren’t enough or if the infestation has become too large for DIY solutions alone, professional pest control services may be required. Experienced technicians will identify where pests are coming from and execute humane removal techniques like baiting systems or fumigation treatments while offering advice on preventative measures such as habitat modification (e.g., removing food sources) or installing barriers around vulnerable areas like attics/crawlspaces which could provide a nesting place for potential future invasions.
Benefits of Professional Squirrel Pest Control
Are you perplexed by pesky squirrels infiltrating your property? Don’t fret: First Pest Control can help! Our team of professional exterminators has the expertise and resources to identify potential entry points, locate existing nests or burrows, and develop a customized plan to effectively eliminate pest populations from your area. Plus, we guarantee fast results and long-term protection against future infestations – so you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that all steps have been taken to rid your home of these furry critters!
Understanding the Ecology of Squirrels
Perplexing and bursting with life, squirrels have adapted to living in a variety of habitats. From forests to grasslands to even urban areas, these intriguing animals can be seen during the day as they feed on nuts, seeds, fruits, fungi and more! They also store food for winter months when food is scarce. Understanding their ecology helps us understand how they interact with their environment – and why they may become pests in certain circumstances.
Squirrels don’t often live alone or in pairs; rather they form larger groups if resources are abundant enough. This can spell trouble for humans when it comes to our gardens – eating fruit from trees or digging up bulbs planted beneath the soil surface results in damage to property which requires wasted time repairing roofs where squirrels have chewed through wires or insulation materials looking for nesting sites inside attics or walls.
Not only do squirrels cause physical damage around homes and businesses but disease too – parasites found within their droppings infect humans and pets alike if ingested accidentally through contaminated water sources or contact with infected surfaces like bird feeders frequented by these rodents. Professional pest control companies use exclusion tactics such as one-way doors placed over entry points into buildings combined with trapping methods designed specifically for nuisance wildlife species like squirrels – allowing removal without harm while preventing future infestations from occurring again down the road.
- Adapts to living in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands and urban areas
- Feed on nuts, seeds, fruits and fungi
- Form larger groups if resources are abundant enough
- Can cause physical damage around homes and businesses due to chewing through wires or insulation materials looking for nesting sites
- Spread parasites found within their droppings which can infect humans and pets alikeProfessional pest control companies use exclusion tactics such as one way doors placed over entry points into buildings combined with trapping methods designed specifically for nuisance wildlife species like squirrels– allowing removal without harm while preventing future infestations from occurring again down the road.
What types of squirrels can become pests?
If you’re wondering which types of squirrels are most likely to become a nuisance, look no further than the gray, fox, and flying varieties.
What are the signs of a squirrel infestation?
Spotting signs of an infestation can be as easy as hearing scurrying and scratching noises in your walls and attic or noticing droppings or tracks. Other tell-tale indications include chewed wires and insulation.
What are some common exclusion tactics to keep squirrels out?
To discourage unwanted visitors from entering your property, there’s nothing quite like caulking and sealing all holes and entry points, installing chimney caps, or mounting metal flashing along the roof line.
What are the benefits of professional squirrel pest control?
By enlisting professionals for pest control solutions such as identifying preventive measures that work best for you as well as providing comprehensive plans to compel removal of any unwelcome guests on your property while minimizing future occurrences – these are just some benefits that come with professional help when dealing with pesky intruders!
What can I do to understand the ecology of squirrels?
To get an insight into their environment, behavior patterns and preferred habitats – why not try exploring books & articles about them; observing them in their natural setting; talking to experts in this field – it could all go towards improving our understanding about these furry creatures!